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Davey Corporate Communications

(800) 447-1667 Ext. 1107

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**All non-media inquiries please find the appropriate contact here.

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Davey In The News
Invasive bugs can harm trees
Mike Volz from Davey's Indianapolis office talks all about invasive bugs, such as how to spot them and what can be done to help your trees.
Orange Maple Tree In Fall
Davey In The News
Early Fall Color Can Be a Sign of Tree Stress
Ben Wasielewski from Davey's Orlando office talks about how to spot maple decline in your trees and how to keep them healthy.
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Davey In The News
How to keep your trees healthy during ongoing drought
Jason Parker from Davey's Warminster office explains how to protect trees during a drought.
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Davey In The News
Stop and Smell the Roses
In this Boulder Weekly article, Dave Kaylan of Davey's Boulder office talks about taking time to cure your "plant blindness" this spring.
Davey In The News
'Zombie Trees' might be the scariest thing in your yard this Halloween
Justin Bence from Davey's North Milwaukee office talks about zombie trees, or trees that appear healthy but are actually not.
Davey In The News
2024 fall foliage forecast impacted by record heat in Western Pennsylvania
Eric Countryman from Davey's East Pittsburgh office discusses how this year's this year's weather patterns in Western Pennsylvania will impact fall foliage for trees in the region. 
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Davey In The News
Does your tree have oak wilt?
Robert Spartz from Davey' Quad Cities office shares tips for checking your tree for Oak Wilt.
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Davey In The News
What is an Arborist?
Alex Julius, skills trainer, teaches kids what an arborist is, why it's an important job and how they can become one.
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Media Contact

Davey Corporate Communications

(800) 447-1667 Ext. 1107

Email or fill out this form

**All non-media inquiries please find the appropriate contact here.


About Davey

The Davey Tree Expert Company, headquartered in Kent, Ohio, provides research-driven tree services, grounds maintenance and environmental and utility infrastructure consulting for residential, utility, commercial and environmental partners in the U.S. and Canada. As one of the top ten largest employee-owned companies in the U.S., Davey's 12,000 employees have been dedicated to creating and delivering sustainable solutions since 1880. Apply today to join the Davey legacy, and learn about how we're growing with our new SEED Campus

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Inspecting Pine
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Your Tree Care Questions Answered

Whether you're picking out a tree or making a list for this season's landscape to-dos, we have your tree care questions answered.

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Talking Trees With Davey Tree Podcast

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We pride ourselves at Davey Tree on providing prompt, professional and personalized service from certified arborists that live, work and engage in your community. Contact one of our Davey Tree specialists for your residential, commercial, utility, or environmental needs.

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