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Phragmites 600
Ohio Dept of Agriculture Releases New Plant Pest List
Recently updated: a list of invasive plants that could negatively impact native Ohio plant communities and ecosystems.
Stream 600
Definition of Waters of the US Still in Limbo
The definition of “waters of the U.S.” is central to determining what water bodies are regulated under Sections 404 and 401 of the Clean Water Act; however, there is still uncertainty as to what the term actually means.
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Tree Clearing, Bats & How It May Affect Your Project
The winter tree clearing season of October 1 through March 31 is coming to an end. What does this mean for your project?
Partners In Community Forestry Conference
Simply one of the best industry events of the year is just around the corner and Davey is excited to be a part of it.
Client Spotlight: Trees & Stormwater Guide
DRG collaborated to develop an innovative, online resource, "Integrating Trees Into Stormwater Management Design and Policy – A Guide for Local Decision Makers."
Coordinator Corner
Coordinator Corner: Building Your Network
As professionals, it is critical that we have a strong and growing network of peers.
Pine Brook Field Day
DRG recently attended the Stream + Wetlands Foundation (S+WF) field day at Pine Brook Wetlands.
Coordinator Corner: Start Preaching to a New Choir
Now that the urban forestry conference season has ended and we are in the dog days of summer I’ve been doing some reflecting.
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Mitigation Wetlands
Mitigation Wetlands

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