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Project Profile Forrest Woods Nature Banner 1440X500
Parks & Trails
Davey Resource Group brought a cost-effective and creative solution to a reforestation project that enhanced the project’s success.
Rocksino Banner 1440X500
With visitors and employees walking in and out of the MGM Northfield Park 24-7, this client needed to ensure safety in the Snow Belt winter months. An on-site team of Davey crews, equipped with plows, shovels, snowblowers, and more, make sure any guests are safe from potential snow hazards.
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Electric Government Utility
Western Area Power Administration wanted to achieve uniform and consistent vegetation management across multiple states. No single vendor had sufficient licensing and equipment—but Davey Resource Group stepped up to the challenge, resulting in reduced cost and improved results for the client.
Utility Banner Stock
Electric Investor-Owned Utility
Streamlining the permit process helped our client exceed their SAIFI goals.
Commercial Case Study Cypress Banner 1440X500
Cypress Lawn, a premiere Bay Area cemetery, leverages its strategic partnership with Davey to keep up maintenance on over 3,000 trees.
Commercial Case Study Port Warwick Conservancy Banner 1440X500
Residential/Mixed Use
Davey crews are on-site weekly at Port Warwick, contributing to its idyllic atmosphere through full-service grounds maintenance.
Commercial Case Study Lakeview Oh Banner 1440X500
Lake View Cemetery is not only a resting place for lost loved ones, but also a destination for visitors in Cleveland, Ohio. With winding roads, large canopy trees, and beautiful botanical gardens, Lake View Cemetery needed a forward-thinking partner to keep the grounds in top shape.
The Inventory Covered More Than 11,000 Sites
Davey Resource Group helped Crown Hill Cemetery rectify tree assessment concerns based on tree inventory data.
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Residential/Mixed Use
The Trolley Run Station and Sage Creek subdivision communities span over 3,000 acres of land in Aiken, SC. Davey’s daily grounds maintenance crews ensure current and future residents can experience nature through easily accessible outdoor common spaces.
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Davey crews are on-site at an industrial facility in Richmond, VA to perform comprehensive grounds maintenance that helps reduce liability for warehouse employees while amplifying the beauty for the attached offices.
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We pride ourselves at Davey Tree on providing prompt, professional and personalized service from certified arborists that live, work and engage in your community. Contact one of our Davey Tree specialists for your residential, commercial, utility, or environmental needs.

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