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Residential/Mixed Use
Davey Resource Group used sonic tomography to determine if a Douglas Fir on a residential property in Kenmore, WA would pose as a safety risk for nearby homes after showing signs of a fungi infestation.
Natural Gas/Pipeline
DRG used winged aircraft to perform a vegetation assessment for a major North American energy company that operates natural gas pipelines throughout several states in the U.S.
The Inventory Covered More Than 11,000 Sites
Davey Resource Group helped Crown Hill Cemetery rectify tree assessment concerns based on tree inventory data.
Environmental Project Profile Shrewsbury Banner 1440X500
Davey Resource Group, Inc. used a supersonic airtool to examine the tree root system and diagnose the cause of decline for a memorial tree located in Shrewsbury, MA.
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Electric Co-op Utility
NAED maintains COVID-19 compliance during line assessment.
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Davey Resource Group helped the town of Plainfield, Indiana make progress in implementing their 2017 public tree management plan.
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Davey Resource Group performed a detailed analysis and modeled a 10-year maintenance cycle approach to help increase tree canopy in Portland, OR’s, lower income neighborhoods.
Envrionmental Project Profile Lake Forest Park Banner 1440X500
Residential/Mixed Use
DRG helped a private property owner north of Seattle stay in compliance with municipal tree protection requirements by inspecting 35 trees and outlining a plan for their preservation during construction.
Kaibaraparkwa Drilling PP1
The City of Kent, WA, contracted DRG for a Level 3 risk assessment on a historic Deodar cedar in Kaibara Park due to safety concerns from its westward lean and visible decay. DRG conducted resistance drilling at 13 sites to assess decay and stability, determining low risk of trunk failure.
Washelli Cemetery.4
Davey Resource Group used a tree risk assessment to catch the spread of stem canker disease among Washelli Cemetery’s Lombardy poplar trees in Seattle.
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We pride ourselves at Davey Tree on providing prompt, professional and personalized service from certified arborists that live, work and engage in your community. Contact one of our Davey Tree specialists for your residential, commercial, utility, or environmental needs.

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