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Project Profiles Hamilton Banner 1440X500
Davey Resource Group’s knowledgeable staff helped The Audubon Society of Ohio take a step forward in their goal of eradicating an invasive plant species in Warder Perkins nature preserve.
In 2023, DRG was contracted by the Michigan DNR to restore Curtis Creek Fen, a 12-acre biodiverse wetland area. DRG targeted wetland invasives and woody species to enhance biodiversity, using spot treatments and cautious methods to avoid disturbing wildlife.
Mason Inlet Project Profile Banner 1440X500
DRG prepared and submitted an environmental assessment and essential fish habitat report, as well as Section 404 and 401 permits for an inlet relocation in Wilmington, North Carolina.
Copy Of DJI 0002
Mitigation Banking
The Owen Farm stream and wetland mitigation project restored over 8,565 linear feet of West Fork French Broad River and unnamed tributaries in Transylvania County, NC. Davey Resource Group is providing monitoring and maintenance services for this restoration project.
Resprouts Were Treated With Herbicide
Parks & Trails
Davey Resource Group helped support increased biodiversity and improved wildlife habitat at Lawrence State Park after reducing woody invasive vegetation cover by 95%.
Project Profile Maplewood Mn Sw Laed 0722 Banner 1440X500
Residential/Mixed Use
DRG helped Holloway Ponds HOA install an environmentally-sustainable alternative to traditional landscaping through a series of rain gardens. DRG’s design plan was developed to eliminate turf, reduce stormwater runoff from the adjacent road, and support a variety of pollinator species.
DSC 5538
Davey Resource Group conducted numerous stream determinations, reviewed wetland delineations, and helped with permitting requirements on 134 acres of future development for Shaw Engineering.
St Joseph Banner 1440X500
CFCS manages nine cemeteries that vary in size throughout the Bay Area in California. With a list of locations that vary in size, Davey crews ensure each spot is treated with the individual respect it deserves.
Project Profile Clinton Township Nj Sw Eder 0722 Banner 1440X500
Davey Resource Group performed natural resources studies, environmental documentation, environmental permitting, and agency coordination of dams and dike rehabilitation in Round Valley Reservoir.
Ec Project Profile Clearwater Ma Banner 1440X500
DRG undertook this multi-year invasive species management project for several solar panel sites across the state of Massachusetts.
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We pride ourselves at Davey Tree on providing prompt, professional and personalized service from certified arborists that live, work and engage in your community. Contact one of our Davey Tree specialists for your residential, commercial, utility, or environmental needs.

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