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Ec Project Profile Cambridge Ma Banner 1440X500
DRG helped prestigious university MIT gain a clear understanding of their tree assets and forestry management needs by performing a comprehensive tree inventory.
The Brooklyn Botanic Garden Has A Wide Variety Of Unique Species Not Often Found In Typical Urban Forest Tree Inventories
Davey Resource Group performed a GIS-based tree inventory and created a community forest management plan on the 3,720 trees in the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
Ec Project Profile City Of Los Angeles Banner 1440X500
Parks & Trails
In less than 18 months, DRG completed a comprehensive tree inventory for the City of Los Angeles—one of the nation’s largest urban park systems.
Project Profiles Tulsa Banner 1440X500
Davey Resource Group verified, updated, and added new records for an over ten-year-old tree inventory in Buffalo, NY.
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DRG conducted a tree inventory and developed a management plan that will help the City of Aitkin better understand the maintenance needs of its urban forest.
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The city of Tumwater hired Davey Resource Group to inventory trees across 201 acres, providing professional guidance, a priority planting analysis, and a tree management plan.
Environmental Project Profiles Big Rapids Banner 1440X500
Davey Resource Group, Inc.’s arborists conducted a street tree and park inventory in Big Rapids, MI while navigating COVID restrictions.
Environmental Pp Chicago Morton Arboretum Banner 1440X500
DRG completed an i-Tree Eco inventory of 1,600 plots throughout Chicago and surrounding counties for Morton Arboretum in 2020. This inventory project offers an unparalleled look into the state of the regional urban forest.
The Inventory Covered More Than 11,000 Sites
Davey Resource Group helped Crown Hill Cemetery rectify tree assessment concerns based on tree inventory data.
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Davey Resource Group, Inc. completed a comprehensive tree inventory and data-driven urban forest master plan for the city of Tallahassee, FL, which proposed three goals divided into thirteen action steps.
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We pride ourselves at Davey Tree on providing prompt, professional and personalized service from certified arborists that live, work and engage in your community. Contact one of our Davey Tree specialists for your residential, commercial, utility, or environmental needs.

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