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Davey Corporate Communications

(800) 447-1667 Ext. 1107

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**All non-media inquiries please find the appropriate contact here.

Davey In The News
Cleanup continues from wicked weekend winds
In this 13ABC news segment, Devin Shaffer of Davey's Toledo, Ohio office discusses the kind of damage the recent high winds had on local trees.
Browning Evergreen
Davey In The News
Keeping the Evergreen State green
In this Renton Reporter article, Rick Castro of Davey's Seattle, Washington, office gives homeowners tips to protect their trees during this mild winter.
Davey In The News
The Future of Tree Health is Now
In this Colorado Green Magazine article, Dan Herms, vice president of research and development for Davey Tree, talks about some of the research and ongoing education being done at Davey to support tree health and maintain urban tree canopies.
Hand Pruning
Davey In The News
It’s Time to Prune Trees and Shrubs
In this article, Davey gives readers some tips for pruning their trees and shrubs this spring.
Davey In The News
What to look out for as trees start to bloom
In this WBIR news segment, Nick St. Sauveur of Cortese Tree Specialists, tells viewers when they can expect leaves to come back on trees and what to do if you have a late bloomer.
Healthy Tree 44647
Davey In The News
Dallas Weather Whiplash
In this KRLD Radio interview, Brian Cox of Davey's Dallas office talks about the extreme changes in weather and what that could mean for the trees in local Dallas yards.
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Davey In The News
Keeping Trees Healthy Through Storms
In this Fifty+ radio interview, Matt Petty from Davey's South Houston office talks about keeping trees healthy so they can withstand wind and intense rains.
Browning Needles On Evergreen Davey Tree
Davey In The News
Dehydration and Evergreens
In this segment with The Big Wakeup Call, Shawn Kingzette of Davey's Northwest Chicago office tells listeners about the impacts dehydration has on evergreen trees and how you can help them get their green back.
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Media Contact

Davey Corporate Communications

(800) 447-1667 Ext. 1107

Email or fill out this form

**All non-media inquiries please find the appropriate contact here.


About Davey

The Davey Tree Expert Company, established in 1880 and headquartered in Kent, Ohio, provides research-driven tree services, grounds maintenance and environmental consulting for residential, utility, commercial and environmental partners in the U.S. and Canada. With 11,000 employees, Davey Tree is the eighth largest employee-owned company in the U.S.

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Inspecting Pine
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Two Employees
Two Employees

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We pride ourselves at Davey Tree on providing prompt, professional and personalized service from certified arborists that live, work and engage in your community. Contact one of our Davey Tree specialists for your residential, commercial, utility, or environmental needs.

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