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Barrow, AK 6
Electric Co-op Utility
Davey Resource Group used boots on the ground and hybrid vehicles to inventory Barrow Utilities and Electric Cooperative’s distribution system during the community’s midnight sun season.
Davey Resource Group inventoried and evaluated 105 existing trees on the Frankford Arsenal Area II Remediation site in Philadelphia, helping to minimize potential tree damage during remediation efforts.
AMTRAK Trackside Network
Davey Resource Group performed a wetland delineation and prepared Categorical Exclusion documentation to help Amtrak provide a trackside wireless broadband network. With their comprehensive approach, DRG was able to meet schedule milestones efficiently.
PPL 5348
Electric Investor-Owned Utility
When a Pennsylvania utility needed to assess the condition of their wooden utility poles, DRG used the latest technology to get accurate results.
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Davey Resource Group removed invasive species in the southwest Michigan state game lands, providing a healthy ecosystem for endangered animal species.
Midamerican Electric Company.2
Electric Investor-Owned Utility
When high winds posed a challenge for MidAmerican Electric Company to accomplish their bare ground herbicide program, they utilized Davey Resource Group’s expertise, variety of equipment, and local crews to get the job done efficiently.
The Inventory Covered More Than 11,000 Sites
Davey Resource Group helped Crown Hill Cemetery rectify tree assessment concerns based on tree inventory data.
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Residential/Mixed Use
Davey Resource Group installed silt fence, native seeding, and erosion control within a limited timeframe for a client in Bloomfield, MI.
Kinetic By Windstream
Communication Utility
Davey’s utility teams joined efforts to clear trees with the supervision of an ISA-certified arborist and install overhead fiber lines for Windstream’s Hudson, Ohio customers.
PHIL Runway Extension (1)
Davey Resource Group completed fieldwork to document existing environmental conditions and then provided technical documentation and regulatory guidance to support permit applications for the Philadelphia International Airport runway extension project.
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We pride ourselves at Davey Tree on providing prompt, professional and personalized service from certified arborists that live, work and engage in your community. Contact one of our Davey Tree specialists for your residential, commercial, utility, or environmental needs.

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