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Environmental Project Profiles Big Rapids Banner 1440X500
Davey Resource Group, Inc.’s arborists conducted a street tree and park inventory in Big Rapids, MI while navigating COVID restrictions.
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Residential/Mixed Use
Davey Resource Group used sonic tomography to determine if a Douglas Fir on a residential property in Kenmore, WA would pose as a safety risk for nearby homes after showing signs of a fungi infestation.
Project Profile Brunswick Forest Banner 1440X500
Residential/Mixed Use
DRG provided turn-key environmental services at all phases of development for Brunswick Forest, a 4,600 acre planned community in Leland, North Carolina, including wetland delineation, groundwater monitoring, and permit compliance.
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Communication Utility
After a Southwest U.S. communications company upgraded to fiber lines, DRG was called in to help remove old copper drop wires from homes and businesses in several states, saving the communications company money while removing unnecessary pole load.
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Parks & Trails
DRG oversaw native vegetation installation and management for a seven-acre wetland restoration in Chanhassen, MN. DRG performed herbicide treatments, prescribed burning, and native seeding, followed by a three-year establishment plan to ensure successful planting through 2025.
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The City of Goshen collaborated with DRG to develop Indiana’s premier forestry program to meet canopy goals and address environmental justice and equity concerns.
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Electric Investor-Owned Utility
Davey Tree’s Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. tracks right-of-way tree location electronically and delineates wetlands to help the utility provide better service.
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Electric Investor-Owned Utility
Leveraging DRG technology enables a Southeast U.S. based utility to more efficiently strategize vegetation management work.
Ewing Banner Image
Davey crews perform a variety of projects to continue Ewing Cemetery’s mission to be a gathering place for families and visitors.
Project Profile Charlotte Banner 1440X500
The City of Charlotte and TreesCharlotte (TC) just completed Charlotte's 2017 Urban Forest Master Plan.
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We pride ourselves at Davey Tree on providing prompt, professional and personalized service from certified arborists that live, work and engage in your community. Contact one of our Davey Tree specialists for your residential, commercial, utility, or environmental needs.

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