Insect & Disease
Resource Center

Signs of pests and diseases will vary from tree to tree. Search our database of pests and diseases for symptoms, damages, life cycle, management, and control information.

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Damage & Symptoms
SAPW Infested Canary Island Date Palm
Leaf or Needle Discoloration
South American Palm Weevil
These beetles lay eggs in the growing point of the palm and when they hatch the large larvae feed on the growing point tissue (heart of palm).
Pest And Disease Ash Flower Gall Mite Banner 1440X500
Bumps or Blisters on Leaf or Needle
Ash Flower Gall
Ash flower gall is a symptom of feeding activity of microscopic mites known as ash flower gall mites.
Pest And Disease Chlorosis Banner 1440X500
Leaf or Needle Discoloration
Chlorosis is the result of a lack of chlorophyll production that may be caused by many conditions such as another disease, soil/water pH or nutritional imbalance, or tree wounds.
Pest And Disease Gray Leaf Spot Disease Banner 1440X500
Brown, Spotted, or Patch Grass on Lawn
Gray Leaf Spot Disease
Gray Leaf Spot (GLS) is a fungal disease that affects various turfgrasses. Lesions start as olive green to brown, water-soaked dots, no larger than a pinhead. As the infection progresses, the lesions become larger and ash-colored with purple to brown margins.
Pest And Disease Center Leaf Spot And Melting Out Banner 1440X500
Brown, Spotted, or Patch Grass on Lawn
Leaf Spot & Melting-Out
Leaf spot and melting-out are turfgrass fungal diseases that can cause indefinite yellowing and thinning of grass, as well as large patches of dead turfgrass.
5475315 SMPT Lethal Bronzing Palm1
Dieback or Thinning Canopy
Lethal Bronzing Of Palms
Formerly called Texas Phoenix Palm Decline, lethal bronzing of palms is a disease caused by a phytoplasma, which is a bacterium-like organism. Once symptoms appear, infected trees die.
Pest And Disease Phytophthora Bleeding Canker Banner 1440X500
Substance on Leaf or Oozing
Phytophthora Bleeding Canker
Phytophthora bleeding canker is a disease caused by multiple species of Phytophthora, which invade the bark and outer sapwood of trees.
Pest And Disease Center Powdery Mildew On Lawn Banner 1440X500
Mold or Fungus
Powdery Mildew On Lawns
Powdery mildew can be caused by many different species of fungi. The fungi leave a white powdery appearance on the surface of blades of grass.
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