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Project Profile Queens Ny Sw Eder 0722 Banner 1440X500
Davey Resource Group performed a field delineation of federally regulated wetlands in New York as well as a number of surveys and reports to facilitate design project plans that reduce impacts to wetlands according to regulatory requirements.
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The Somerville Landfill is being redeveloped as a solar array field. DRG conducted wetland and state open water delineation, provided regulatory permitting services, and ensured no solar panels are placed in wetlands. DRG also prepared and submitted multiple NJDEP permit applications.
IMG 0354
Residential/Mixed Use
Spaulding Green, LLC, contracted Wilson Environmental Technologies, now part of Davey Resource Group, to perform wetland permitting, mitigation design, and delineation of over 400 acres.
Project Profile Gsp Bridge Replacement Banner 1440X500
Davey Resource Group assisted the New Jersey Turnpike Authority in obtaining State and Federal environmental permits for the replacement of Garden State Parkway bridge over Great Egg Harbor.
Project Profile Fortbelvoir Banner 1440X500
Military Base/Military Family Housing
Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. provided comprehensive natural and cultural resource services and obtained the necessary Clean Water Act permits for the relocation of certain Department of Defense (DOD) agencies during the BRAC initiative at Fort Belvoir.
Project Profile Montgomery Township Nj Eder 0722 Banner 1440X500
Davey Resource Group conducted a desktop analysis of ecological features on property in Montgomery Township, NJ, to preliminarily determine its potential for solar development. This analysis included review of wetlands, hazards, riparian zones, species presence, and permitting requirements.
Rutman Project Profile Banner 1440X500
DRG served as the principal consultant on the Rutman Watershed restoration project, which provides significant habitat benefits as well as habitat connectivity between Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge and the riverine swamp forests of Rutman Creek and the Pungo River in North Carolina.
Project Profile Nj Route 52 Causeway Replacement Project Banner 1440X500
Davey Resource Group prepared several surveys, assessments, and all the necessary permitting for the New Jersey Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration to ensure any potential environmental impacts made by a causeway replacement project were mitigated.
AMTRAK Trackside Network
Davey Resource Group performed a wetland delineation and prepared Categorical Exclusion documentation to help Amtrak provide a trackside wireless broadband network. With their comprehensive approach, DRG was able to meet schedule milestones efficiently.
Environmental Consulting Project Profile Toledo Metro Parks Banner 1440X500
Parks & Trails
DRG restored a 4,018-foot segment of the Blue Creek Stream in Toledo, OH after an assessment found the area to be eroded, nutrient loaded, and unable to sustain aquatic wildlife.
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We pride ourselves at Davey Tree on providing prompt, professional and personalized service from certified arborists that live, work and engage in your community. Contact one of our Davey Tree specialists for your residential, commercial, utility, or environmental needs.

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