What’s almost entirely unpredictable, impossible to control, and can make or break even the best laid plans? 

You guessed it – the weather.

As a property manager, you’ve dealt with the highs and lows of good and bad weather before, and spring can be one of the most unpredictable seasons all year. Spring, however, can set the tone for the entire growing season, and knowing what to expect can help you try (despite the aforementioned unpredictability) to plan for what’s to come once the weather fully shifts to summer.  

Looking Ahead To Spring 

Whether you’re watching the local news, checking your weather app, or just watching the skies, keeping an eye on the weather is critical to creating a safe, healthy commercial property that looks great all year round. The National Weather Service is at the forefront of research, data collection, and forecasting weather patterns in the U.S.

The right information can help you determine when to plant trees, implement a plant health care program, or even look at your stormwater management system to make sure it’s both functional and compliant with state and local regulations.

Here’s what they have to say about the spring weather in your region:

Northeast Forecast

For most of the northeast, temperatures are leaning toward being higher than average for 2025, with western New York and Pennsylvania having a slightly lower chance of increased temperatures.  

The precipitation forecast expects equal chances for average rainfall in the eastern parts of the region, with a slightly increased chance for above average precipitation in the western areas.  

Southeast Forecast

Spring 2025 looks to have above average temperatures in most of the region, with the southernmost areas, including Florida and southern Mississippi and Louisiana facing a more significant chance at warmer temperatures.  

In terms of precipitation, the northern areas, including Kentucky, Tennessee, and Missouri can expect above average chances of increased precipitation, and average precipitation for the rest of the region, except Florida, which faces a chance at below average precipitation.

Midwest Forecast

Midwesterners can expect equal chances at average temperatures with the exception of Ohio, which has a higher-than-normal chance at warmer temperatures this spring.  

Along with fairly steady temperatures, much of the region is predicted to see an increased chance of higher-than-normal precipitation for the spring of 2025 – with the best chances in the great lakes and central area of the region, including Indiana and southeastern Illinois.

Southwest Forecast

The southeastern U.S. faces above average chances for warmer than normal temperatures this spring, with the southern areas like Arizona, New Mexico, and southwestern Texas having the best chances at a warmer than normal spring.

In addition to the potential for increased temperatures, the southwest faces a good chance of below average precipitation for spring 2025, so property managers should plan accordingly.

West Forecast

The west can expect average temperatures for the spring, with the exception of northern Oregon and Washington, which has a good chance of being below average this year.

Precipitation forecasts look normal throughout the region as well, again, the exception being northern Oregon and Washington.

Watch The Weather, But Plan For Anything

Anyone who’s ever had to deal with planning around the forecast knows that it’s an educated guess at best. That’s why it’s a good idea to have a plan with priorities and goals for your outdoor spaces but also be flexible and work with your partners to communicate and adapt with changing conditions.

Knowing what Mother Nature has in store can help with everything from storm preparation and response to snow contracts and managing your pain points as a property manager.

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