Posted: February 22, 2022

In this Portland Press Herald article, Chris Plante from Davey's Portland, Maine, office talks about why you should prune your trees in the winter, and how else you can help your trees before spring. 

arborist in a tree pruning

If the trees in your yard – evergreen or deciduous – need work, there’s no time like the present.

“Now until early spring, before the buds break out, is the best time for pruning,” said Chris Plante, district manager of the Portland branch of Davey Tree.

Because trees are dormant in winter, pruning them now causes less stress to the trees than at other times of the year. In addition, the diseases that might infect spots where an arborist cuts branches are less prevalent in the cooler weather.

To continue reading the article, click here

The Davey Tree Expert Company, headquartered in Kent, Ohio, provides research-driven tree services, grounds maintenance and environmental and utility infrastructure consulting for residential, utility, commercial and environmental partners in the U.S. and Canada. As one of the top ten largest employee-owned companies in the U.S., Davey's 12,000 employees have been dedicated to creating and delivering sustainable solutions since 1880. Apply today to join the Davey legacy, and learn about how we're growing with our new SEED Campus

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