Private Residential Client
DRG oversaw the restoration of a portion of Little Six Mile Creek on a private residential property. The restoration involved excavating a new channel, seeding with approved grass and wetland seeds, and planting shrubs. The project was completed successfully and will undergo ongoing monitoring.
Implementing A Restoration Plan
A private residential client was issued a consent order by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to restore a portion of Little Six Mile Creek on their property, necessitated by rerouting the Class B stream to construct a single-family home. Davey Resource Group, Inc. (DRG) was contracted to develop a restoration plan for the site, using site elevations initially provided by Pinto Construction, the restoration contractor. Following acceptance and approval by both the DEC and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the restoration design plan was implemented. This involved excavating a new channel, seeding the area with an approved mix of grass and wetland seeds, and planting 45 shrubs of four different species. Multiple site visits during construction confirmed compliance with the restoration plan. DRG has concluded that the restoration of Little Six Mile Creek has been successfully completed according to the design plan and is functioning as intended. Ongoing monitoring by the DRG team will continue for the next three to five years.