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Project Profiles Tulsa Banner 1440X500
Davey Resource Group helped the city of Tulsa, OK, re-green its footprint through a concerted tree planting program organized by a local non-profit.
Project Profile Park Ridge Il Banner 1440X500jpg
Davey Resource Group’s TreeKeeper tool helps Park Ridge, IL, maintain an ongoing database of its trees, allowing crews to focus on their jobs rather than the paperwork.
Project Profile Ocean County Airport Banner 1440X500
Davey Resource Group helped Ocean County, NJ officials plan a build-out of its airport located within the NJ Pinelands Preservation Area by performing wetland delineations, threatened and endangered species surveys and creating a habitat management plan.
DRG Inventory Cumberland RI 2
Since 2022, DRG has supported urban forestry in Cumberland, RI, planting street trees and conducting a public tree inventory. Grants aided projects in Valley Falls and Lonsdale, while collaborations with Clark University and a subcontracted landscape architect ensured strategic planning.
Parks & Trails
To enhance the softwood young forest habitat to support sensitive, forest-dependent species, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation contracted Davey Resource Group to plant 15,000 seedlings on approximately 16.2 acres of previously clear-cutted forest blocks.
Florida Public Utilities Company Css Banner 1440X500
Electric Government Utility
Hurricane Michael significantly altered the landscape throughout Northern Florida, leading Florida Public Utilities Company to request a system-wide survey from Davey Resource Group and re-evaluate their trim cycle.
Environmental Pp High Line Canal Banner 1440X500
Parks & Trails
Davey Resource Group coordinated with officials in ten Colorado communities to conduct a tree inventory on 64 miles of the High Line Canal Trail. DRG arborists conducted the inventory through the lens of risk management and health preservation of the High Line Canal Trail forest system.
Davey Resource Group performed freshwater mussel surveys, salvage and relocation, and monitoring at the I-95/Scudder Falls Bridge as well as a reforestation plan and a peregrine falcon management plan, and contributed to a redbelly turtle habitat assessment.
Ec Project Profile Clearwater Ma Banner 1440X500
DRG undertook this multi-year invasive species management project for several solar panel sites across the state of Massachusetts.
MAANG Vegetation 2
Military Base/Military Family Housing
DRG conducted vegetation surveys at Camp Edwards, MA, assessing pine barrens habitat for Lepidoptera monitoring. Covering 14,433 acres, transects were surveyed meticulously, and data entered into MAANG's database, emphasizing integrity and adherence to program standards.
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We pride ourselves at Davey Tree on providing prompt, professional and personalized service from certified arborists that live, work and engage in your community. Contact one of our Davey Tree specialists for your residential, commercial, utility, or environmental needs.

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