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Type Of Client
Dsc 6778
Natural Gas/Pipeline
When vegetation conflicts with construction activities, Pacific Gas and Electric calls on Davey Resource Group, Inc.'s team of experts to consult on the proper course of action.
Environmental Consulting Project Profile Toledo Metro Parks Banner 1440X500
Parks & Trails
DRG restored a 4,018-foot segment of the Blue Creek Stream in Toledo, OH after an assessment found the area to be eroded, nutrient loaded, and unable to sustain aquatic wildlife.
After Algaecide Treatment
DRG conducted stormwater infrastructure inspection and maintenance at Fast Park & Relax in Hebron, KY, focusing on a dry detention basin and a front swale. The team provided routine quarterly inspections, additional rainfall event inspections, and preventative maintenance.
Client Success Story New York Power Banner 1440X500
Electric Government Utility
Davey Resource Group, Inc. partners with New York Power Authority to develop new procedures for environmental, social, and governance reporting–a critical measurement guiding business decisions for utility stakeholders.
Envrionmental Project Profile Calfire Banner 1440X500
DRG worked with city staff from Merced, CA to complete a tree inventory for 53,000 trees and develop a comprehensive 8-year urban forestry management plan.
DSC 5939
DRG conducted a tree inventory and developed a management plan that will help the City of Aitkin better understand the maintenance needs of its urban forest.
Project Profiles Vanburen Banner 1440X500 1
Residential/Mixed Use
DRG leveraged its resources to help Van Buren Point HOA in New York create and implement an urban forest management plan from start to finish.
Washelli Cemetery.4
Davey Resource Group used a tree risk assessment to catch the spread of stem canker disease among Washelli Cemetery’s Lombardy poplar trees in Seattle.
Project Profiles Ft Sheridan Banner 1440X500
Davey Resource Group performed shoreline stabilization, habitat restoration and native planting along 1.5 miles of Lake Michigan shoreline.
Ec Project Profile Elmhurst Banner 1440X500
DRG increased the ecological and aesthetic value of several wastewater lift stations along a well-traveled nature trail in the city of Elmhurst, Illinois.
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We pride ourselves at Davey Tree on providing prompt, professional and personalized service from certified arborists that live, work and engage in your community. Contact one of our Davey Tree specialists for your residential, commercial, utility, or environmental needs.

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