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Sky Trim099banner
Electric Investor-Owned Utility
Infrared and Pneumatic Drill Technology Give Client Actionable Data.
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Electric Investor-Owned Utility
Partnering with DRG allows Consumers Energy to address a backlog of make ready engineering work safely and efficiently, for more satisfied clients and a more sustainable process.
Access Roads Bannerjpg
Natural Gas/Pipeline
A number of possibly unsafe trees within the gas transmission right-of-way required inspection. Pacific Gas and Electric required the quick assistance of Davey Resource Group, Inc. to inspect and preserve the trees while preventing tree failure.
In 2023, DRG was contracted by the Michigan DNR to restore Curtis Creek Fen, a 12-acre biodiverse wetland area. DRG targeted wetland invasives and woody species to enhance biodiversity, using spot treatments and cautious methods to avoid disturbing wildlife.
Patrick Space Force Base Banner 1440X500
Grounds Maintenance
Recently renamed Patrick Space Force Base balances otherworldly duties with perfectly manicured housing units for the many military personnel and families who live and work on-base.
DSC 5987
Electric Co-op Utility
DRG performed a full-system inventory for PIEG to jumpstart the utility’s fiber to the home project.
Meted (1)
Electric Investor-Owned Utility
DRG crews used resistograph technology, sounding and visual pole inspections to help a Northeastern U.S. Utility determine which utility poles needed to be reinforced or replaced.
Dsc 1666
Electric Investor-Owned Utility
Penelec partnered with Davey Resource Group to employ predictive asset health analytics to prevent outages from equipment failure.
Southeastern Electric Banner 1440X500
Electric Co-op Utility
DRG used Futura software to collect detailed information for Southeastern Electric Cooperative and create a connectivity map of their service area.
Sustainable Tree Planting 4
Electric Investor-Owned Utility
DRG assists SDG&E with its Sustainable Tree Program, a tree planting program that helps the utility reach its goal of planting 10,000 trees annually.
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We pride ourselves at Davey Tree on providing prompt, professional and personalized service from certified arborists that live, work and engage in your community. Contact one of our Davey Tree specialists for your residential, commercial, utility, or environmental needs.

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