Insect & Disease
Resource Center

Signs of pests and diseases will vary from tree to tree. Search our database of pests and diseases for symptoms, damages, life cycle, management, and control information.

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Damage & Symptoms
Pest And Disease Center Shothole Disease Banner 1440X500
Spotting on Leaf
Shot Hole Disease
Shot hole is a leaf disease that produces brown spots on plant foliage that eventually dry out, fall and leave multiple holes in the leaf.
Pest And Disease Center Spotted Lanternfly Banner 1440X500
Substance on Leaf or Oozing
Spotted Lanternfly
The spotted lanternfly is an invasive insect species native to Asia. This insect’s eggs are laid in masses about 1” long and may look like patches of crusted mud. Hatched nymphs are black with white dots. Adults are about 1” long with gray forewings that have black spots.
Pest And Disease Spring Dead Spot In Bermudagrass Banner 1440X500
Brown, Spotted, or Patch Grass on Lawn
Spring Dead Spot In Bermudagrass
Spring Dead Spot (SDS) is a common turf disease that is caused by the fungi Ophiosphaerella herpotricha and O. korrae. The disease creates dead or dying brown patches of turf that vary in diameter depending on the severity of infection.
Pest And Disease Center Winter Moth Banner 1440X500
Leaf or Needle Discoloration
Winter Moth
The male fringe-winged winter moth is often seen in homes and around lights and holiday decorations in December and January. This invasive pest arrived in the U.S. and Canada from Europe.
Pest And Disease Turkey Tail Banner 1440X500
Mold or Fungus
Turkey Tails
Turkey tail is a polypore mushroom that gets its name from the variety of colors and shape that resemble the tail feathers of wild turkeys.
Pest And Disease Verticillium Wilt Banner 1440X500
Leaf or Needle Discoloration
Verticillium Wilt
Verticillium wilt is a fungal disease that causes serious injury and often death to its host. It is caused by the fungus Verticillium dahliae and can live in the soil for long periods of time without showing any signs.
Pest And Disease Botryosphaeria Banner 1440X500
Dieback or Thinning Canopy
Botryosphaeria Canker & Dieback
Botryosphaeria canker is a fungal disease that infects many trees and woody shrubs, especially if they are already stressed or weakened. It causes cankers and dieback.
Pest And Disease Boxwood Blight Banner 1440X500
Leaf or Needle Discoloration
Boxwood Blight
Boxwood blight is a serious disease caused by a fungal pathogen, Calonectria pseudonaviculata; previously named Cylindrocladium buxicola.
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