In this Portland Press Herald article, Dana DiRenzo from Davey's Portland Maine office shares tips to keep your trees healthy through the summer weather.

Posted: August 25, 2023

Trees are an important part of many local properties, and there are a variety of things to keep in mind for summer tree care and providing for pollinators. Dana DiRenzo, a consulting arborist with The Davey Tree Expert Company, focuses on the South Portland and Cape Elizabeth area.

“It’s been a really challenging three years. The first two were really long periods of drought and this year has been a summer, a growing season, of rain, rain, rain,” DiRenzo said. “So those have their own challenges in and of themselves. This season in particular we have been seeing a lot of fungal issues. You know, a lot of trees, a lot of ornamentals, don’t look like they should. They don’t have the nice lush green foliage that they normally do. We’ve seen a lot of brown and dropping leaves prematurely, so you know, that’s raised a lot of concerns in the area … and generally, it’s easy to freak out and think your trees are dying and you’re going to lose everything, but generally that’s not the case. We just don’t like to see multiple years in a row of early defoliation.

To read DiRenzo's tree care tips, click here

For more information, contact the Portland Maine Davey Office.

The Davey Tree Expert Company, headquartered in Kent, Ohio, provides research-driven tree services, grounds maintenance and environmental and utility infrastructure consulting for residential, utility, commercial and environmental partners in the U.S. and Canada. As one of the top ten largest employee-owned companies in the U.S., Davey's 12,000 employees have been dedicated to creating and delivering sustainable solutions since 1880. Apply today to join the Davey legacy, and learn about how we're growing with our new SEED Campus

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