In this WBGO article, arborist Jason Reitter from Davey’s New Jersey office talks about caring for trees during a drought.  

Posted: August 29, 2022

Picture of a Davey arborist watering.

Soaker hoses, gator bags and organics can all help keep trees moist with less water 

Many parts of New Jersey are in a state of extreme drought. Conditions worsened in mid-August and you may see signs of drought in your trees. 

So, if your trees need water but there is very little to be had, what to do? 

Jason Reitter is an arborist in Newark with the Davey Tree Expert Company.  

“Soaker hoses are really great because it doesn’t waste the water,” he said. “It starts actually getting that soil around the root areas excessively moist without wasting water and evaporating water.” 

To read the rest of Jason’s advice, click here.

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