Boston College Campus

Your campus is like a mini-city. In addition to the faculty, staff, and students, you have the potential to welcome thousands of visitors each day. Your campus was likely designed to create a significant visual impression, and aside from the architecture of your buildings, the landscaping is the most visual part of that impression.

TreeKeeper tree inventory management software from Davey Resource Group is specifically designed to help organizations like yours track and maintain their landscaping assets. It allows you to assess the health and aesthetics of your landscaping environment while continuously monitoring any potential risks, as well as facilitate public engagement and involve your campus community in your sustainability goals. It’s an “all-hands-on-deck” approach that keeps you in the driver’s seat and puts the focus where it should be: on making your campus a beautiful place to live, work, and learn.

Design Proactively

TreeKeeper helps universities plan for a sustainable future. As you develop and revise canopy goals, TreeKeeper helps you assess your current needs, budget effectively, and monitor anything you’ve identified as a risk.

Manage Efficiently

TreeKeeper gives you flexible search options, customized layers like irrigation, utilities, ball fields, etc, and filters that offer quick access to your most important datasets. Best of all, you can manage your assets from anywhere with an internet connection.

Share Effectively

With TreeKeeper, your campus community can be part of the action. Develop self-guided campus tree tours, share exactly how many utility resources are being saved by the green space on your campus, or become a Tree Campus USA and watch your community come together to achieve your sustainability goals.

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